
Saturday, May 14, 2011

my new obsession...

salam semua..
korg semua ada obsession tak?
satu bnd yg korg obses n willing to do anything to get that thing..

then as my age is increasing..not decrease..LOL..
i have a new obsession..

1)i'm obses dgn bku NICHOLAS SPARKS now after tgk citer the notebook...
saya tau ini agak lame..
coz mybe korg dh pun baca habis collection nicholas ni..

then aku pun trus cari buku ni kat ebay msia n mudah..
mudah takde..
ebay ada n sgt murah but then yg mhl posting dia..
coz most of the sellers outside msia.

so terpaksa la saving up..
coz kalo kat bookstores harga dia dlm rm30 n above.
hm takpela...lmbt pun xpe as long as i get thet book..kan..
mana tau korg nak bg as my bday present...
xpun dpt collection movie dia pun ok gak..

2)i'm obses ngn baking..
aku mmg xpnh baking..
tp lpas abis blaja ni..asik dok tgk cite cake boss la..dc cupcakes la..
so dedua ni ada kaitan ngn baking..
jd aku nk bli buku pasal baked cake or cupcake,bread or muffin.. long as baking..

anyway ni ada satu link..
its so addicted..



  1. woooo =D smart ah game tu, tengkiu2 haha

    haha addict sudah

  2. best kan..serious..kalo aku bosan pun aku men je game tu..hehehehe:)
